Saturday, January 12, 2013

6 Weeks Until Departure

Hey guys,

It's six weeks until departure and I have done hardly anything to get ready. Hopefully this post will get me motivated to start getting myself together. I think my procrastination is due to nerves.

I've been trying to get a plane ticket ready, however, there's been some difficulty arranging it. NOVA says my apartment will be ready to move into on February 18th. This means that ideally I'll want to arrive that same day. The problem is arriving early enough so someone from the company can pick me up and show me to my apartment. Flights to Japan aren't arriving every 30 minutes, so finding an early enough time is extremely difficult, even for the travel agent. Hopefully I'll figure that out soon.

Monday, my mom and I will be driving over to Japanese Embassy in Detroit to apply for my Visa. There's a bunch of paper work and hoops to jump through, but I'll have my visa soon enough.

So here's a list of things I need to accomplish before 6 weeks time:

1. Confirm details with my bank. Making sure I have some Yen in my pocket and possibly a credit card.
2. Brush up on my Japanese. This means actually studying...who knew.
3. Make sure I have enough dress clothes. I'll be needing to dress up for work. None of that casual stuff.
4. Get my Visa
5. Look for an MP3 player...seems trivial, but my other one just broke T_T
6. Start the packing process. What is it I truly need? Quality over quantity is the name of the game here.

Well, I think that's all for now. I'll update again soon.


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