Thursday, January 3, 2013

My Journey Begins


This blog is dedicated to my 2013-2014 trip to Japan which will hopefully begin in mid February. I will be spending the next year in the Kanto region of  Japan where I will be teaching English at Jibun Mirai Associe Co., also known as NOVA. I will be in charge of teaching approximately 6 classes a day, each about 45 minutes long. Like I said, I will be stationed in the Kanto Region, my permanent address is to be announced. In my most recent email from them, I was told I would be flying into Narita International Airport located here

I still have several things I must do before I can travel. Here's a quick list of what I've had to go through in order for all this to happen.

1. Had interview on September 5th.
2. Told I got the job September 7th.
3. Required to sign the contract, medical form, background check form, visa application, passport, and have a copy of my transcript. Finished and were received by NOVA on October 25th.
4. Waited until December 30th to receive word about my Certificate of Eligibility (CoE). This is used to get my Work Visa.

Things I must do now before February.
5. Travel to Detroit to the Japanese Embassy to apply for my Visa.
6. Receive start date
7. Fly out

As you can see there were many steps to this process and while I've outlined it here, there was a lot of paperwork and a lot of waiting on things to get processed. However, it's been worth it and I can't wait. I'm very excited to travel and see the world and I look forward to sharing my experiences with you all.


1 comment:

  1. First!

    You are awesome.

    Have fun in Japan.

    I will read this everyday.

    We need to figure out a SC2 schedule once you get there.
